List of Tatsu Commands

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This page shows you a list of all Tatsu commands, categorized by economy, leveling, ranks, personalization, pets & housing, roles & notifications and others.

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    New to Tatsu? Learn more about the economy system by checking out these guides:

    Economy Basics 4 Commands

    The commands below allow you to perform common tasks in order to interact with Tatsu's inventory and economy systems.

    Command Description Examples
    t!wallet Generates a fancy wallet card that displays how much global and server currency you've collected t!wallet @Wumpus
    t!inventory Opens your character inventory t!inventory
    t!inventory global Opens your global inventory for you to view & use your global items t!inv global
    t!inventory server Opens your server inventory for you to view & use your server items t!inv server
    t!shop Opens the shop menu where you can access the global, server or event shop t!shop
    t!item Lets you instantly search and view or use an item from your global or server inventory t!item furni_fridge_pink

    Global Economy 4 Commands

    Global economy features are commands that when used, can carry over to other Discord servers as well. eg. Credits and global items

    Command Information Examples
    t!daily Earn your daily credits. You also get tokens if you are a supporter! t!daily
    t!daily @Someone If you give someone your daily credits, they get a bonus amount & vice versa t!daily @cookiesun
    t!trade Opens up the trading menu to let you send or accept trades t!trade
    t!trade view View a summary of all sent & received trades t!trade view
    t!trade clear Cancels all trade requests sent by you t!trade clear
    t!quests Earn global currency by completing quests t!quests
    t!quests claim Claim rewards for all completed quests t!quests claim
    t!quests daily Shortcut to view your daily quest progress t!quests daily
    t!open Lets you open various furniture crates and pet cosmetic bags and pet capsules. t!open

    Server Economy 5 Commands

    Server economy features let you create and manage your own Discord-server only currency, ranking and store system. The server economy only applies to your Discord server.

    Command Information Examples
    t!points Check your server points balance t!points @someone
    t!points @Someone Check a member's server points balance. Works with mentions as well as usernames t!points @Markoos
    t!points @Someone [amount] t!points @Someone 10000 Give someone server points. Works with mentions as well as usernames
    Opens a menu that allows you to configure the amount of server points earned per message sent t@persistence
    Opens a menu that allows you to manage your members server points. Reward, remove, prune, or wipe your server's points and economy t@persistence
    t@points add @Someone [amount]
    Directly give a server member points t@points add @Wumpus 1000
    Opens a menu that allows you to create a new server role item, accolade item or custom item t@guilditems
    Opens a menu that allows you to manage a members's server items and inventory t@userguilditems
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    Collect pets & decorate your house in Tatsugotchi! View the below guides to start playing:

    Pet commands 16 Commands

    The commands below allow you to perform common tasks in order to interact with Tatsu's pet systems.

    Command Description Examples
    t!tatsugotchi Displays your Tatsugotchi in one of your rooms. t!tatsugotchi
    t!tatsugotchi visit Displays one of the other user's rooms with both of your Tatsugotchi. t!tatsugotchi visit @Wumpus
    t!tatsugotchi clean Cleans up after your Tatsugotchi's dirty mess. t!tatsugotchi clean
    t!tatsugotchi feed Feeds your hungry pet. t!tatsugotchi feed
    t!tatsugotchi play Play with your pet. t!tatsugotchi play
    t!tatsugotchi train Train with your pet to gain experience. t!tatsugotchi train
    t!tatsugotchi walk Walk with your pet to find items or currency. t!tatsugotchi walk
    t!tatsugotchi prestige Upgrades your pet's prestige level at the cost of resetting it's current level. t!tatsugotchi prestige
    t!tatsugotchi capsule Open a tatsugotchi capsule to get a new tatsugotchi. t!tatsugotchi capsule
    t!tatsugotchi chart View the drop rates of a pet capsule. t!tatsugotchi chart
    t!tatsugotchi carer Select a carer from the list to take care of your tatsugotchi for you. t!tatsugotchi carer
    t!tatsugotchi edit Opens the tatsugotchi edit menu. You can change things like cosmetics here. t!tatsugotchi edit
    t!tatsugotchi nickname Change the nickname of your currently equipped tatsugotchi. t!tatsugotchi nickname Fabby Duh
    t!tatsugotchi nursery opens a list of all your pets in the nursery with their relevant statistics. t!tatsugotchi nursery
    t!tatsugotchi unwrap Unwrap one of your wrapped tatsugotchis. t!tatsugotchi unwrap
    t!tatsugotchi tradeup Allows you to trade up your unwanted wrapped tatsugotchis. t!tatsugotchi tradeup
    t!tatsugotchi catch Allows you to get your runaway tatsugotchis back. t!tatsugotchi catch

    House commands 2 Commands

    The commands below allow you to perform common tasks in order to interact with Tatsu's house systems.

    Command Description Examples
    t!house Displays a bird's eye house view with your Tatsugotchi in it. t!house @Wumpus
    t!house edit Opens the house customization menu. t!house edit

    Daycare commands 2 Commands

    The commands below allow you to perform common tasks in order to interact with Tatsu's daycare systems.

    Command Description Examples
    t!daycare Displays a bird's eye daycare view with your equipped Tatsugotchis in it. t!daycare
    t!daycare edit Opens the daycare customization menu. t!daycare edit

    Fieldtrip commands 4 Commands

    The commands below allow you to perform common tasks in order to interact with Tatsu's fieldtrip systems.

    Command Description Examples
    t!fieldtrip Check the current status of your field trip. t!fieldtrip
    t!fieldtrip send Send your pets on a field trip. t!fieldtrip send
    t!fieldtrip claim Claims your field trip rewards t!fieldtrip claim
    t!fieldtrip recalll Recall a pet from the current field trip. t!fieldtrip recalll
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    New to Tatsu? Learn more about the economy system by checking out these guides:

    Levelling Commands 3 Commands

    The commands below allow you to perform common tasks in order to interact with Tatsu's levelling systems.

    Command Description Examples
    t!rank Displays your server rank card. t!rank @Wumpus
    t!top Displays the servers leaderboard. t!top 6
    t!leveledroles Displays the servers leveledroles and score requirements. t!leveledroles

    Level Management Commands 5 Commands

    The commands below allow you to perform common tasks in order to manage Tatsu's levelling systems.

    Command Description Examples
    Opens a menu to edit leveled roles and related settings. t@leveledroles
    t@leveledroles debug
    Displays potential issues with leveled roles. t@leveledroles debug
    Opens a menu for all score related settings. t@scores
    t@scores add [user] [amount]
    Add score to a specified user. t@scores add @Wumpus 100
    Opens a menu in which you can disable or change the points and score gain rate.
    You can also change the level up messages in this menu
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    New to Tatsu? Learn more about the economy system by checking out these guides:

    Profile commands 5 Commands

    The commands below allow you to perform common tasks in order to interact with Tatsu's profile systems.

    Command Description Examples
    t!profile View yours or someone else's customizable personal profile card. t!profile @Wumpus
    t!profile progress View approximately how many more messages you need to level up. t!profile @Wumpus progress
    t!background Get the link to the website where you can change your profile background and equip badges. t!background
    t!reputation Award someone a reputation point. t!reputation @Wumpus
    t!settag Open a menu to equip a new tag on your profile. t!settag tags_blackgold
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    New to Tatsu? Learn more about the economy system by checking out these guides:

    Role Management commands 8 Commands

    The commands below allow you to perform common tasks in order to interact with Tatsu's role systems.

    Command Description Examples
    Opens the autorole menu. t@autorole
    t@autorole debug
    View potential issues with the autorole. t@autorole
    Opens a menu to edit leveled roles and related settings. t@leveledroles
    t@leveledroles debug
    Displays potential issues with leveled roles. t@leveledroles debug
    Opens the reaction roles menu. t@reactionroles
    t@reactionroles debug
    Displays potential issues with reaction roles. t@reactionroles debug
    Opens the self roles menu. t@selfroles
    t@selfroles debug
    Displays potential issues with self roles. t@selfroles debug

    Notification Management commands 8 Commands

    The commands below allow you to perform common tasks in order to interact with Tatsu's notification systems.

    Command Description Examples
    Opens the welcome message menu. t@welcome
    Opens the goobye message menu. t@goodbye
    Opens the notification message menu. t@notify
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    New to Tatsu? Learn more about the economy system by checking out these guides:

    Command Information Examples
    t!help t!help <page> t!help 2 Allows you to view all normal commands commands
    2 Jacob Thornton @fat
    3 Larry the Bird Swag @twitter

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