Tatsugotchi is a free Discord pet game where you collect, customize and play with over 110 different pets.
Getting your first free pet
Step 1 - Opening your mailbox
To get started, open your mailbox by typing t!mail
in any server with Tatsu. (If you got to this article by opening your mail and claiming the capsule, you can skip this step.)
Select view unread mail by typing 1
Step 2 - Retrieving the pet starter kit
Select the mail named [GUIDE] Pet Starter Kit then claim all the items inside.
You will receive an item that looks like this:
The t!mail
mailbox command is how we notify you of the latest updates, events and send you free items! Click here to learn more.
Step 3 - Opening your starter capsule
Open the Starter Selector Capsule that you received by typing t!open
The t!open
command allows you to open all types of lootboxes and capsules that you own. Click here to learn more.
Step 4 - Selecting your starter pet
Choose from one of 9 common pets by typing their corresponding number.
Type confirm
to receive your new Tatsugotchi pet!
Step 4.5 - Using regular pet capsules
Already used your Starter Selector Capsule? You can purchase additional pet capsules with t!shop capsule
. You can open the capsule using the same steps as above, t!open capsule
, and you will receive a random wrapped pet. Wrapped pets can be unwrapped using t!tg unwrap
Step 5 - Bringing your pet home from the nursery
In order to start using your pet, you'll need to bring it home from the nursery.
Type t!tg edit
to open up your Tatsugotchi customization menu.
The t!tg edit
command lets your customize your pet cosmetics and swap our your active pet. Click here to learn more.
Type 1
to select the Active Pet menu.
Type 1
to select the Retrieve Active Tatsugotchi menu.
Select the new pet you just got from the Special Selector Capsule.
Your pet is now back home!
Step 6 - Naming your pet (Optional)
Type t!tg nickname NAME
to give your pet a nickname! (10 characters max)
Taking care of your pet
Pets that are not taken care of will run away after 2-3 days of neglect. Your pet will show different emotions and act differently based on how often you take care of it.
Step 1 - Viewing your pet status
The pet card shows your pet's current status; You can see if it needs food, affection, cleanliness or rest.
Type t!tg
or t!tatsugotchi
to bring up your active pet's current status.
Status Information
Experience Bar
- Your pet's level increases as you train your pet (more on this later)
Fullness Bar
- Decreases over time if you do not feed your pet
Affection Bar
- Decreases over time if you do not play with your pet
Dirtiness Bar
- Increase over time if you do not clean your pet
Fatigue Bar
- Increases after walking your pet multiple consecutive times
Step 2 - Pet Care Commands
To take care of your pets, type the commands below at least once:
t!tg clean
- Cleans your pet and removes dirtiness
t!tg feed
- Feeds your pet and increases fullness back to maximum (It costs 20 credits for every 2 fullness.)
t!tg play
- Play with your pet
It's best to fully feed, clean and play with your pet each time you check up on it to reduce the number of times you need to take care of it.
Earn more credits and items
Now that you've learnt the basics of taking care of your Tatsugotchi, it's time to earn credits and tokens with your pet.
Earn items from walking
t!tg walk
- Walking your pet raises it's fatigue level
Each time you walk your pet, you have a chance of finding credits, tokens, pet cosmetics or furniture items.
Every walk increases a pet's fatigue and costs 5 pet fullness. When your pets reach maximum fatigue, you will need to wait for your pet to rest (around 2 hours) before you can walk it again.
Credits and tokens are currencies used to purchase pet items and house furniture. Check out this guide for more methods of earning currency: Guide not done yet
Training your pet
Level up your pet
Each time you train your pet, it earns XP. The higher a pet's level, the longer it takes for the pet to run away if you neglect it.
t!tg train
- Each time you train your pet, it earns XP