Brighten up your chat appearance by adding coloured selfroles!
What is a selfrole?
Selfroles are roles a member of your server can assign to themselves when they type t!selfrole in chat.
Selfroles are often used to allow members to pick a coloured role to spice up their chat appearance.
Setting up a selfrole
Follow these steps to set up selfroles on your server!
Adding a selfrole to yourself
That one server you're in has selfroles, but you're not sure how to assign one to yourself?
Follow this tutorial on how to give yourself a selfrole.
Removing a selfrole from yourself
You assigned yourself a selfrole, but you no longer want it? Don't fret!
Follow this tutorial on how to remove it from yourself.
You can purchase a Server Subscription to increase the amount of selfroles you can set.